Greens and Tees Renovation Update

Posted on: 17 September

Good afternoon golfers,

Just a quick update on the renovations of the golf course that were completed last Wednesday 11 Sept. 

The greens have responded well and are recovering nicely. The first cut of the greens has been undertaken today at a height of 4mm. There has been some scarring on green 5 due to the minimal root structure in the grass. Steve and his crew have undertaken remedial works on this green and with additional support through fertilizers, we are expecting a full recovery. This green will need a little more recovery time than the others.

The tees are responding well to the renovations. The new tee on 7 is a little hard and Steve is adding further chemicals to assist here. Some tees have had additional fertilizer programs out today to assist recovery.

Steve is hoping for a bit of sunlight over the next few days to allow good grass growth in the recovery process.

The renovation process went well and I thank those members who assisted the crew last week. Without your help the process would have carried through a few more days.

Also a big thank you to all the golfers for their patience through this renovation period. It won’t be long, and the greens and tees will be back to good playability.

If you have any questions about the process, please let me know.

Happy Golfing

Mitch Bligh – Club Manager

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