Club Update – Tuesday 4 February
Posted on: 4 February
Good Afternoon Members,
It looks like the worst of this monsoon event may be behind us. We’ll now begin the task of getting the club and course back in order for use and play. The clubhouse has come through the weather well with damage to one marquee and the temporary fence at the driving range has also been knocked around a bit.
It’s still too early to get working on the course, as the water has inundated the majority of the areas and still remains. Initial planning inspections will begin tomorrow and repair to the course will begin when safe. The pumping asset at Aplin’s Weir requires repair and also the foot valve of the saltwater pump also needs rescuing. The club will switch to potable water in the interim.
I’ve already spoken to the Queensland Government and Golf Australia regarding repair and resilience support and both parties are ready to assist.
I hope everyone is safe and I’ll be in touch over the coming days with club and course updates.
Mitch Bligh – Club Manager