Full members are entitled to vote at general meeting of the association and are eligible for election to the management committee. Restricted members are not entitled to vote at general meetings of the association and are not eligible for election to the management committee.

Yes, we offer a loyalty which applies to one partner's fees. Both are required to be full memberships and cannot be used in conjunction with other loyalty offers.

Applications for membership must be submitted in writing via the official Club Membership Application Form. The application form may need to be accompanied by other documents or evidence for qualification for membership, as determined by the management committee from time to time. Membership applications can obtained by emailing info@tvlgc.com.au or calling the office on 0747790133.

The club has a rolling membership, giving you the ability to start your membership at any month. Payment options are available for members wishing to pay monthly, six monthly or yearly. A 7.5% fee will apply to those opting for the direct debit instalments to cover bank charges and administration costs.

There is a leave of absence category available to those members who want to put their playing rights on hold. Leave of absences are to be approved by the management committee and if granted, an annual fee is payable that gives the member the right to return to a playing category at any time in the future.

Members are not eligible to play golf while on leave of absence.